Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Beginnings Magazine - Free!

Magazine publications from La Leche League are now free to view online, weather you are or are not an LLL paying member.

La Leche League International (LLLI) publishes Breastfeeding Today, which can be viewed at:

La Leche League United States of America (LLLUSA) publishes New Beginnings, viewed at:

Follow the various prompts to choose the version and format that works for you. These magazines can feel like "a meeting in an inbox." Weather you download certain articles, print out the entire pdf, or simply read the magazine online, the stories and information often come at just the right time in your mothering life and offer the encouragement and support you're looking for.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Meet the Midwives: 10/28

Hello LLLadies,

I wanted to help spread the word that there is an open house at the Cedar Natural Health Center on Thursday, October 28th from 6-8pm. There will be food, prizes, a raffle, and loads of information on local midwives, doulas, and childbirth educators. I will also be there representing La Leche League.

La Leche League philosophy supports natural birth...with the knowledge that the less interventions you have during childbirth, the more alert you and your baby will be to initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth. This can happen at home, in a hospital or in a birthing center.

I am passing this information along because every woman deserves the right to know her options for the birth of her baby! Come and stop by!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Meeting: Fall(ing) Gently into Motherhood

Hello LLLadies!

Please join us at the meeting on Friday! We will be getting together at 10:30am at the Cedar City Library. Our topic this month is "Bringing Baby Home" (we will also discuss preparing for baby's arrival).

Babies are always welcome! You are invited to bring your baby and other young children who need you.

Do you know someone who is pregnant or is a new mom? Please invite them to come along!

See you Friday,