Thursday, June 24, 2010

LLL Park Days

Many mothers have expressed interest in getting together on a weekly basis to just hang out and enjoy each others company while letting the children play. Let's do it! Come one, come all! Come meet new friends, and enjoy the sunshine!

When: Friday (every week) at 11am
Where: Main St. Park

See you there!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2010 Car Seat Safety Check

This week we had our first car seat safety check; where mothers brought their cars and car seats to be checked for expired car seats, recalled seats, and proper installation. A huge thank you to the Iron County Safety Solutions for coming out to participate with us!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dr. Sears on LLL


La Leche (lay'-chay) League is a wonderful resource of information and support for breastfeeding mothers. The organization's publications, expert resources, local volunteers and monthly meetings can provide the confidence you need to breastfeed and mother your baby successfully. They'll give you practical breastfeeding advice. They're also a good source of support when family and friends ask questions like "Are you sure you have enough milk?" or "How long are you going to breastfeed that child?"

La Leche League volunteers are called "Leaders." They are women with personal experience breastfeeding their own children and have received special training in helping other mothers learn to successfully breastfeed. League Leaders are available by phone when you have questions about breastfeeding your baby. They also lead monthly group meetings, where mothers share their experiences about breastfeeding.

LLL meetings are a great place to meet other women in your community who have young children. They're also wonderful for pregnant women--just go and observe the mothers and babies. You can learn a lot about positioning a baby at the breast, nursing in public places, and mothering in general by observing mother-infant pairs.

La Leche League International's website features articles and information on breastfeeding as well as an online catalog of books about parenting and breastfeeding, breast pumps, breastfeeding products, and baby slings.

La Leche League International
1400 N. Meacham Road
P. O. Box 4079
Schaumburg, IL 60168-4079
Phone: 847-519-9585 or 847-519-7730 or 800-LALECHE
Shop online at

See article HERE

Monday, June 7, 2010

10 Tips for a Normal Birth

Photo courtesy of "Business of Being Born"

1. Choose a place that supports normal birth, a place where you'll be comfortable. This may be at home, in a birth center or hospital.

2. Choose a health care provider who supports the practices that promote normal birth.

3. Don't request or agree to induction of labor unless there's a medical indication for doing so.

4. Plan to move around freely during labor. You'll be more comfortable, your labor will progress more quickly, and your baby will move through the birth canal more easily if you stay upright and respond to your pain by changing positions.

5. Consider hiring a doula or professional birth/labor supporter.

6. Ask that the baby's heartbeat be monitored intermittently, rather than continuously, as this restricts your movement in labor.

7. Eat and drink as your body tells you to give you energy and prevent dehydration.

8. Use non-medical pain management strategies, such as focused breathing and comfort measures such as warm baths and showers, massage, and birth balls.

9. Don't give birth on your back! Upright positions (sitting, squatting, or standing) on all fours or on your side enable you to make use of gravity to push when your body tells you.

10. Keep your baby with you after birth. Skin-to-skin contact helps to regulate your baby's heartbeat and breathing and helps get breastfeeding off to a good start.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Car Seat Safety

What: Free Car-Seat Safety Check
When: June 16th at 10:30am
Where: Gateway Preparatory Academy (in the parking lot)

Safety Solutions of Iron County will be providing a free car-seat safety inspection for La Leche League. Please come and take advantage of this great offer. Each car seat will be checked for recalls, expiration dates and will be properly installed based on each child's height and weight.

There is a playground next to the parking lot where the children can play while the seats are inspected.

See you there!