Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dr. Sears on LLL


La Leche (lay'-chay) League is a wonderful resource of information and support for breastfeeding mothers. The organization's publications, expert resources, local volunteers and monthly meetings can provide the confidence you need to breastfeed and mother your baby successfully. They'll give you practical breastfeeding advice. They're also a good source of support when family and friends ask questions like "Are you sure you have enough milk?" or "How long are you going to breastfeed that child?"

La Leche League volunteers are called "Leaders." They are women with personal experience breastfeeding their own children and have received special training in helping other mothers learn to successfully breastfeed. League Leaders are available by phone when you have questions about breastfeeding your baby. They also lead monthly group meetings, where mothers share their experiences about breastfeeding.

LLL meetings are a great place to meet other women in your community who have young children. They're also wonderful for pregnant women--just go and observe the mothers and babies. You can learn a lot about positioning a baby at the breast, nursing in public places, and mothering in general by observing mother-infant pairs.

La Leche League International's website features articles and information on breastfeeding as well as an online catalog of books about parenting and breastfeeding, breast pumps, breastfeeding products, and baby slings.

La Leche League International
1400 N. Meacham Road
P. O. Box 4079
Schaumburg, IL 60168-4079
Phone: 847-519-9585 or 847-519-7730 or 800-LALECHE
Email: orderdepartment@llli.org
Shop online at www.lalecheleague.org

See article HERE

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