Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January Meeting

Hello LLLadies!

Please join us at the meeting on Friday! We will be getting together at 10:30am at the Cedar City Library. Our topic this month is "Benefits of Breastfeeding".

Babies are always welcome! You are invited to bring your baby and other young children who need you.

Do you know someone who is pregnant or is a new mom? Please invite them to come along!

See you Friday,


  1. can you change my number? 801-654-0275

  2. just think of me as that little annoying pebble in your shoe.....he he

  3. My sister and I tried to come and couldn't find you guys at the library. I called and left a message on your phone while we were there. Guess I was just confused about where exactly it was...? You weren't in the meeting room that they said you were.

  4. Hi Erika! I would like to ask again if you could please delete this site. There are still mamas finding it online and getting confused about meeting times and phone number contacts. As an active breastfeeding advocate in the community it hurts me to see moms not getting the help they need because of little oversights such as this one. I would hate for someone to not get the help they need because of misinformation. It will take you 5 minutes to delete it, and help out immensely. WarmLLLy, Sally.
