Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November Meeting

This month's meeting will be about the art of avoiding difficulties with breastfeeding during the holiday season. We will be meeting at the library this Friday at 10:30am. Do you know someone who is pregnant or breastfeeding? Do you know someone who wants more information about breastfeeding and/or La Leche League? Bring them along!

This will be the last meeting of 2010 so I hope to see all of you wonderful LLLadies there. We will pick up again in January 2011!

November Meeting

This month's meeting will be about the art of avoiding difficulties during the holiday season. We will be meeting at the library this Friday at 10:30am. Do you know someone who is pregnant or breastfeeding? Do you know someone who wants more information about breastfeeding and/or La Leche League? Bring them along!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Beginnings Magazine - Free!

Magazine publications from La Leche League are now free to view online, weather you are or are not an LLL paying member.

La Leche League International (LLLI) publishes Breastfeeding Today, which can be viewed at:

La Leche League United States of America (LLLUSA) publishes New Beginnings, viewed at:

Follow the various prompts to choose the version and format that works for you. These magazines can feel like "a meeting in an inbox." Weather you download certain articles, print out the entire pdf, or simply read the magazine online, the stories and information often come at just the right time in your mothering life and offer the encouragement and support you're looking for.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Meet the Midwives: 10/28

Hello LLLadies,

I wanted to help spread the word that there is an open house at the Cedar Natural Health Center on Thursday, October 28th from 6-8pm. There will be food, prizes, a raffle, and loads of information on local midwives, doulas, and childbirth educators. I will also be there representing La Leche League.

La Leche League philosophy supports natural birth...with the knowledge that the less interventions you have during childbirth, the more alert you and your baby will be to initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth. This can happen at home, in a hospital or in a birthing center.

I am passing this information along because every woman deserves the right to know her options for the birth of her baby! Come and stop by!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Meeting: Fall(ing) Gently into Motherhood

Hello LLLadies!

Please join us at the meeting on Friday! We will be getting together at 10:30am at the Cedar City Library. Our topic this month is "Bringing Baby Home" (we will also discuss preparing for baby's arrival).

Babies are always welcome! You are invited to bring your baby and other young children who need you.

Do you know someone who is pregnant or is a new mom? Please invite them to come along!

See you Friday,

Friday, September 17, 2010

New FaceBook Page!

Now we will have e-mail, a public blog, and a Facebook page! The more means for communication, the better. It will be easy for mamas to invite their friends to meetings via Facebook. Check us out at:

It is brand new, and a work in progress, but it'll get there!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Way-To-Go UT Mamas!

CDC: Utah leads US for breast-feeding, 9 of 10 try
September 13th, 2010 @ 4:27pm

ATLANTA (AP) -- A new government report says Utah leads the nation in breast-feeding with 9 in 10 Utah mothers trying it and about 6 in 10 sticking with it for at least six months.

Overall, about three out of four babies in the U.S. get at least some breast-feeding, but only a fraction continue as long as six or 12 months. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say those findings are similar to previous CDC studies.

Western states tended to have the highest rates. Mississippi ranks lowest, with only about half of that state's mothers attempting breast-feeding.

Click here to view the full report.

It shows that mothers need more support in order to continue breastfeeding at 3, 6 and 12+ months. It mentions in the article about getting hospitals to be "Baby Friendly"....which is most definitely a goal for Cedar City!

Monday, September 13, 2010

September Meeting Rescheduled

The meeting has been rescheduled to Friday, September 17th at 10:30am at the Cedar City library. We will be discussing topic #1 - the Importance of Breastfeeding.

As always, please bring any questions, concerns, or any other breastfeeding related experiences, too!

Do you know someone who is pregnant? Breastfeeding? Thinking of breastfeeding in the future? Or just wants more information? Bring her along!

See you Friday!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I am so very sorry. The meeting tomorrow morning is cancelled. My family and I are ill, but I will re-schedule ASAP.

Thank you for your understanding.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September Meeting - The Importance of Breastfeeding

It's that time of the month again...for La Leche League, that is!

We are meeting this Friday, September 10th at 10:30am at the Cedar City library. We will be discussing topic #1 - the Importance of Breastfeeding.

As always, please bring any questions, concerns, or any other breastfeeding related experiences, too!

Do you know someone who is pregnant? Breastfeeding? Thinking of breastfeeding in the future? Or just wants more information? Bring her along!

See you Friday!

Monday, August 9, 2010

August Meeting: Weaning and Nutrition

This month we will talk about introducing solids to your baby and touch on weaning as well.

Come visit with other mothers, exchange information, and see what it's all about!

When: Friday, August 13th at 10:30am
Where: Cedar City Library

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Should I Be Giving My Baby Vitamin D?

At our July meeting we discussed how to avoid difficulties with breastfeeding, especially during the hot summer months. One topic that came up was the subject of Vitamin D. Should we be supplementing our breastfed babies? What about ourselves?

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding has a section specifically about Vitamin D. In the newest edition, it is on page 158.

"Recent research has shown that most of us, including our exclusively breastfed babies, need additional vitamin D. Some public health groups say this supplementation should start at birth, while others say it should start by two months. What's right?

Here's the scoop: we are designed to manufacture our own vitamin D in our skin by exposure to sunlight, not to get it form food, and throughout most of human history that worked fine. But getting enough sun on our skins has gotten tougher. The thinning ozone layer makes sun exposure so potent that people tend to use sunscreen generously when they're outdoors. Modern lifestyles mean most of us spend most of our time indoors. Some women who are covered for religious reasons may protect even their faces from the sun. Adequate vitamin D isn't made form sunlight above certain latitudes in the winter. And people with dark skin need even more time outside to acquire enough vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps us absorb and use calcium properly and keep our immune system strong, which may be why so many folks in cooler climates are susceptible to colds and flu during winter, when the sun is low. And we're learning that too little vitamin D may put us at higher risk of such problems as diabetes and cancer before we see such obvious problems as rickets.

It isn't possible to get too much vitamin D from sunlight. It is possible to get too much through supplements and enriched foods, but it turns out we've been too cautious with supplements in the past. The first and best way to get more vitamin D into your baby is to expose her to more sunshine, but in ways that minimize the chance of sunburn. Here are some ideas: If you carry your baby in a car seat, there's no need to throw a blanket over the whole thing unless it's a really cold winter day. Run errands with your baby - all that dashing in and out of stores, babe in arms, contributes to her vitamin D supply for the week. Use sunscreen very sparingly until your baby is six months old and then only if his exposure will be prolonged. If your baby is dark-skinned, his need for sunscreen is even less.

Talk to your doctor about increasing the level of vitamin D in your milk by taking a vitamin D supplement yourself. Recent research suggests 4,000 IU per day may be the amount needed to get enough into your milk. Discuss your particular situation with the doctor to decide if your baby needs vitamin D supplementation, look for a brand of drops that is only vitamin D. You can put the drops on your nipple and let the baby nurse them off."

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our Newest Leader

Sally (left) and Erika (right).

We have a new La Leche League Leader, representing Cedar City! This is exciting news for our group, and the community! It's great to have someone as enthusiastic as Erika here to volunteer her time and energy to LLL! We would like to welcome Erika and have her introduce herself.

Tell us a little about yourself:

1.What do you like to do? Have any favorite hobbies or interests?
I really love to knit and sew. I like to garden, and tend to my flock of chickens. I love taking my children camping, and I really love to cook!

2.What inspired you to want to be an LLL Leader?
I love helping other mothers. I had a rough start with breastfeeding, and I always knew after that that I would spend my spare time helping other mothers with breastfeeding. All moms can use support and encouragement and it feels so good to just "be there" for other mothers, whether or not they are encountering problems with nursing.

3.What is your favorite thing about being involved with LLL?
Gentle encouragement goes a long way! It feels good to empower women to trust in their own mothering insticts. Plus, it is a great place to get to know wonderful women in the community!

4.How has breastfeeding affected your life as a mother?
It has absolutely affected my life in the most profound way. I am more confident, and more patient. I gained a greater understanding for my children and an immense amount of love for them! I have looked forward to this for a long time and now that it is here, I will fill the role to the best of my ability. I want to support and encourage breastfeeding mothers from all walks of life.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July Meeting

Come one, come all to July's LLL meeting, at the Cedar City Library!

Starts Friday, July 9th, at 10:30am.

This month's topic is on avoiding breastfeeding difficulties, specifically "Breastfeeding during the Summer months." Of course we always welcome any breastfeeding topics or questions that come up. Please feel free to come with any questions you have, stories to share, or new experiences. Hope to see you there!

We will also be introducing our newest La Leche League Leader at this months meeting. We won't spill the beans; you have to come and find out for yourself!

See you this Friday!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

LLL Park Days

Many mothers have expressed interest in getting together on a weekly basis to just hang out and enjoy each others company while letting the children play. Let's do it! Come one, come all! Come meet new friends, and enjoy the sunshine!

When: Friday (every week) at 11am
Where: Main St. Park

See you there!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2010 Car Seat Safety Check

This week we had our first car seat safety check; where mothers brought their cars and car seats to be checked for expired car seats, recalled seats, and proper installation. A huge thank you to the Iron County Safety Solutions for coming out to participate with us!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dr. Sears on LLL


La Leche (lay'-chay) League is a wonderful resource of information and support for breastfeeding mothers. The organization's publications, expert resources, local volunteers and monthly meetings can provide the confidence you need to breastfeed and mother your baby successfully. They'll give you practical breastfeeding advice. They're also a good source of support when family and friends ask questions like "Are you sure you have enough milk?" or "How long are you going to breastfeed that child?"

La Leche League volunteers are called "Leaders." They are women with personal experience breastfeeding their own children and have received special training in helping other mothers learn to successfully breastfeed. League Leaders are available by phone when you have questions about breastfeeding your baby. They also lead monthly group meetings, where mothers share their experiences about breastfeeding.

LLL meetings are a great place to meet other women in your community who have young children. They're also wonderful for pregnant women--just go and observe the mothers and babies. You can learn a lot about positioning a baby at the breast, nursing in public places, and mothering in general by observing mother-infant pairs.

La Leche League International's website features articles and information on breastfeeding as well as an online catalog of books about parenting and breastfeeding, breast pumps, breastfeeding products, and baby slings.

La Leche League International
1400 N. Meacham Road
P. O. Box 4079
Schaumburg, IL 60168-4079
Phone: 847-519-9585 or 847-519-7730 or 800-LALECHE
Shop online at

See article HERE

Monday, June 7, 2010

10 Tips for a Normal Birth

Photo courtesy of "Business of Being Born"

1. Choose a place that supports normal birth, a place where you'll be comfortable. This may be at home, in a birth center or hospital.

2. Choose a health care provider who supports the practices that promote normal birth.

3. Don't request or agree to induction of labor unless there's a medical indication for doing so.

4. Plan to move around freely during labor. You'll be more comfortable, your labor will progress more quickly, and your baby will move through the birth canal more easily if you stay upright and respond to your pain by changing positions.

5. Consider hiring a doula or professional birth/labor supporter.

6. Ask that the baby's heartbeat be monitored intermittently, rather than continuously, as this restricts your movement in labor.

7. Eat and drink as your body tells you to give you energy and prevent dehydration.

8. Use non-medical pain management strategies, such as focused breathing and comfort measures such as warm baths and showers, massage, and birth balls.

9. Don't give birth on your back! Upright positions (sitting, squatting, or standing) on all fours or on your side enable you to make use of gravity to push when your body tells you.

10. Keep your baby with you after birth. Skin-to-skin contact helps to regulate your baby's heartbeat and breathing and helps get breastfeeding off to a good start.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Car Seat Safety

What: Free Car-Seat Safety Check
When: June 16th at 10:30am
Where: Gateway Preparatory Academy (in the parking lot)

Safety Solutions of Iron County will be providing a free car-seat safety inspection for La Leche League. Please come and take advantage of this great offer. Each car seat will be checked for recalls, expiration dates and will be properly installed based on each child's height and weight.

There is a playground next to the parking lot where the children can play while the seats are inspected.

See you there!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

See that? That's what our new banner will look like, courtesy of Rainbow Sign & Banner!

It will be 60" wide; perfect for displaying at booths or parades! What do you think?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

2nd Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser

This weekend marked the 2nd annual yard sale fundraiser for LLL. What a fantastic way to get word out to the community! We raised money, handed out fliers and were able to interact with the people of our community. A huge thank you to the wonderful families who donated to the cause, and to those who came out to help work the sale! We had a great turnout!